Advisory Committee

The K-TRACS Advisory Committee is comprised of pharmacists, prescribers and law enforcement officials. They provide guidance for program development, as well as review and analyze K-TRACS data to identify prescribing and dispensing patterns and activity of concern.

The committee is authorized to:

  • Review patient information and notify the prescribers and dispensers involved in the patient's prescription drug history about concerning patterns, or notify law enforcement of any reasonable suspicion of criminal activity
  • Review prescribing and dispensing information and notify a prescriber or dispenser's regulatory agency or law enforcement of potential violations of state or federal law or activity inconsistent with standards of care for the profession

Upcoming Meetings

11/08/2024 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Meeting Minutes

Advisory Committee Members

David Schoech, RPh, Committee Chair
Representing: Kansas Board of Pharmacy

Chris Bumgarner
Representing: Kansas Bureau of Investigation

Tracy Clark, APRN
Representing: Kansas Board of Nursing

Joe Davidson, MD
Representing: Kansas Medical Society

Tom Estep, MD
Representing: Kansas Board of Healing Arts

Douglas Fain, DDS
Representing: Kansas Dental Association

Harold Godwin, RPh
Representing: KU School of Pharmacy

Ashley Harlow, PharmD
Representing: Kansas Hospital Association

Heath Kerr, RPh
Representing: Kansas Pharmacists Association

Madison Livengood, PharmD
Representing: Kansas Pharmacists Association

Teresa Long, MD
Representing: KU School of Medicine

Michael McClintick, DO, RPh
Representing: Kansas Association of Osteopathic Medicine

Lauren Nelson, PharmD
Representing: Kansas Council of Health-System Pharmacy

Kimberly Templeton, MD
Representing: Kansas Board of Healing Arts